员工故事What Our Team Says

  • Bella Cao


    从未想过会从事教育行业的我,在遇到清柚后坚定了走下去的决心。很幸运一毕业就加入清柚,也很庆幸自己入行的第一份工作教会了我如何做一个靠谱的人。在清柚的每一天都有挑战有成长,和优秀的人一起共事是我这两年最大的收获!接下来的日子,希望有越来越多优秀的人加入,和我们一起砥砺前行,不忘初心!Prior to joining CheersYou, I’d never thought that I would start a career in the education industry. CheersYou gave me the energy and passion of being a Marketing Associate. At CheersYou, I had the chance to connect with top elites and collaborate on exciting projects, which I always appreciate. I am on my second year and I am still feeling that I can learn new stuff from my colleagues. I wish to have you on our team and I would like to invite you to achieve better with me. Come join us!

  • Karen Jin


    从学生时代的业余话剧演员到清柚团队中的专业“演员”,清柚给了我一个野蛮生长的舞台——专业用心的清柚团队是”灯光“,北美+国内的平台资源是“音效”,完善的职场培训体系是“舞美”,各类市场活动、峰会论坛是“话筒”,而留学申请路上的学生家长是我们的忠实“观众”。这样一个勇敢且真诚,专业且负责,创新且用心的团队,将会成就你职业发展路上的“一出好戏”。CheersYou gives me a unique stage for me to transfer from an amateur in drama performing arts to an attractive marketing “actress”. The stage is lit by the professional team at CheersYou. It is also surrounded by beautiful sound effects from many resources CheersYou connects. The choreography is fulfilled by various comprehensive career training services CheersYou provides. Moreover, we, as Marketing Associates, are the performers on the stage. Along with back-stage staff, we bring magnificent shows to our audiences, who are students and parents. At CheersYou, you are guaranteed an unforgettable experience.

  • Yvonne Tang


    非常感恩清柚,让我遇见了出色的同事,每个人都有自己的优点,带领我在职场迅速蜕变。从认真高效的工作习惯,到对学生的真诚与用心,到对同事的关照和尊重,这个大家庭满满的正能量,让我能在职场第一课中,不停战胜新的挑战。这里的每一员都在思考,如何让清柚更好,给学生创造更理想的服务。相信未来清柚的所有人,都会因为在这里建立起的职场素养,在学生身上见到的多姿多彩的人生,而受益无穷。工作之余,还有火锅、锻炼、吸猫趴~来这里,一定能遇见有趣的灵魂,精彩的生活,还有比过去更出色的自己哦!CheersYou was my top choice after graduation. CheersYou provides us with a creative working environment that suits all personalities. At CheersYou, I accomplished the transition from a fresh graduate to an experienced top application consultant. During the process, my colleagues and I worked on challenging projects and achieved many crucial goals. I really believe that through rigorous training and frequent exposure to real-world practices, at CheersYou, a newbie can become a highly capable professional in a very short period of time.

  • Nengxuan Zeng


    我在清柚的经历可以概括成“不想做设计的市场运营不是一个好工程师”,没错,清柚对所有员工一视同仁为他们准备无限宽广的平台,去发挥自己所有的能力开发所有的潜能。不敢说清柚是一个完美的公司,它甚至有些莽撞及过分热血,但是它对待每位员工真诚,欢迎每个人的意见,最终给予你对等的回馈,我很庆幸能和那么多优秀的清柚人共事。My experience at CheersYou can be summarized as: a good IT engineer who is also a good designer and a good marketing associate. CheersYou gives massive resources to all employees to support their ideas and solutions. Besides duties, I can try things I am also interested in and expand my experience. Although our team at CheersYou is still emerging and is on its way to become a better one, it treats every employee equally and with full of honesty. I feel so fortunate to be able to work in a team like this.

员工福利What We Offer

What We Offer Image

职业发展Career Development

职业发展Career Development

  • 支持CPT/OPT/H1BSponsor CPT/OPT/H1B
  • 完善培训培养体系Mature onboarding and training systems
  • 扁平化组织架构Flat organizational structure
  • 清晰晋升道路Clear promotion path
  • 优秀者提供绿卡机会Sponsor Green Cards for outstanding employees
What We Offer Image



  • 生日福利Birthday celebration
  • 入职周年纪念Anniversary celebration
  • 优秀表彰Annual awards
  • 部分报销员工教育学费Education improvement support
  • 更多And more
What We Offer Image

生活平衡Work-Life Balance

生活平衡Work-Life Balance

  • 带薪休假,年假产假等Company-paid holidays and paid leave
  • 交通通勤补贴Commuting allowance
  • 办公室零食、饮料供应Monthly Happy Hour for sharing snacks and playing games
  • 团建活动及Happy HourTeam building events
  • 更多And more
What We Offer Image



  • 全面的医疗保险Comprehensive health insurance
  • 心理健康支持Mental health support
  • 残疾保险Disability Insurance
  • 防疫用品供应Free COVID prevention supplies
  • 更多And more

办公环境Our Office

New York

135 W 36th St, 19th Fl, New York, NY 10018


和平区南京路181号世纪都会商厦52层Metropolitanplaza, 181 Nanjing Rd, Heping Qu

团队建设Team Building



New Jersey




New York🎃




New York


美国HR邮箱:hr@cheersyou.comUnited States HR Email:hr@cheersyou.com

中国HR邮箱:hr2@cheersyou.comChina HR Email:hr2@cheersyou.com

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