Karen Jin
从学生时代的业余话剧演员到清柚团队中的专业“演员”,清柚给了我一个野蛮生长的舞台——专业用心的清柚团队是”灯光“,北美+国内的平台资源是“音效”,完善的职场培训体系是“舞美”,各类市场活动、峰会论坛是“话筒”,而留学申请路上的学生家长是我们的忠实“观众”。这样一个勇敢且真诚,专业且负责,创新且用心的团队,将会成就你职业发展路上的“一出好戏”。CheersYou gives me a unique stage for me to transfer from an amateur in drama performing arts
to an attractive marketing “actress”. The stage is lit by the professional team at CheersYou. It is also
surrounded by beautiful sound effects from many resources CheersYou connects. The choreography is
fulfilled by various comprehensive career training services CheersYou provides. Moreover, we, as Marketing
Associates, are the performers on the stage. Along with back-stage staff, we bring magnificent shows to
our audiences, who are students and parents. At CheersYou, you are guaranteed an unforgettable experience.