
What Makes Us Different?

One-on-one Professional Guidance

Customized plans help you prepare for your language tests and improve your English skills.

Innovative Essay Tutoring

Based on the individual, compose innovative essays to build up your unique personal brands.

Large Volume of Database

Update and analyze thousands of highschool's data; and match the most appropriate one.

Expert Interview Guidance

The US native mentors mock and evaluate your performance to improve your interview skills with targets.

Escorted Interview Service

Mentors from Cheersyou's headquarters will accompany students through the whole interview process, provide elaborate services, and provide detailed feedback.

Post-application Service

Mentors in Cheersyou's headquarters will continue following up with students about their performance and lives in the school to help them solve problems.

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CheersYou has a close collaboration with a renowned local high school in the United States, aiming to meet the needs and interests of every student and their families.
We are committed to helping students pursue their academic dreams, adapt to overseas study life, build strong social connections, and gain a competitive advantage starting from the high school stage.

Niche Ranking English Name Chinese Name Enrollment Grade Location/Region
A+ BASIS Independent McLean 贝赛思独立学校麦克莱恩校区 6-10年级 麦克莱恩,弗吉尼亚州
A Carmel Catholic High School 卡梅尔天主教高中 9-12年级 芝加哥,伊利诺伊州
A+ Bishop Montgomery High School 蒙哥马利主教高中 9-12年级 洛杉矶,加利福尼亚州
B- Fairmont Private Schools 费尔蒙特中学 7-8年级 阿纳海姆斯坦顿,加利福尼亚州
A+ Waring School 威尔林学校 6-12年级 贝弗利,马萨诸塞州
A Mater Dei Catholic High School 梅特德伊天主教高中 9-11年级 圣地亚哥,加利福尼亚州
A+ Saint Anthony’s High School 圣安东尼高中 9-12年级 长岛,纽约州
A+ Saint John’s High School 圣约翰高中 9-12年级 长岛,纽约州
A+ Cape Cod Academy 科德角学院 9-12年级 巴恩斯特布尔,马萨诸塞州
A+ Idyllwild Arts Academy 艾德怀艺术中学 9-12年级 洛杉矶,加利福尼亚州
A+ St. Pius X High School 圣皮尔斯中学 9-11年级 休斯敦,得克萨斯州
A Monte Vista Christian School 加州蒙地维特中学 9-12年级 蒙特利湾,加利福尼亚州
A+ Long Island Lutheran Middle & High School 长岛路德中学 9-12年级 长岛,纽约州
A+ The Storm King School 斯特姆国王中学 8-11年级 康沃尔,纽约州
A+ Justin-Siena High School 贾斯汀 - 锡耶纳高中 9-12年级 旧金山,加利福尼亚州
A+ St. James Catholic School 圣杰斯天主教中学 7-8年级 洛杉矶,加利福尼亚州
A+ Villanova Preparatory School 维拉诺瓦预备中学 9-12年级 欧海谷,加利福尼亚州
A+ Houghton Academy 霍顿中学 9-12年级 阿勒格涅,纽约州
A+ Perkiomen School 伯克曼中学 6-12年级 费城,宾夕法尼亚州
A+ Montverde Academy 蒙特沃德学院 7-12年级 奥兰多,佛罗里达州
A John Bapst School 约翰百斯特中学 9-12年级 班戈,缅因州
A+ St. Mary School 圣玛丽中学 5-12年级 梅福德,俄勒冈州
A Red Bank Catholic High School 红岸天主教中学 9-12年级 红岸,新泽西州
A+ The Brook Hill School 布鲁克希尔中学 8-12年级 达拉斯,得克萨斯州
A+ Cretin-Derham Hall 克雷汀-德拉姆庄园高中 9-12年级 双子城,明尼苏达州


It takes students four years to finish high school study in the U.S. from grade 9 to 12 (equivalent to the last year in junior high school to the end of senior high school in China). Because education regulations and policies differ across states, there is no general standard to evaluate high schools in the U.S. However, you can refer to authorized ranking institutions, such as Niche and Business Insider.
Public schools charge less for tuitions, but most of them do not provide accommodations. Most public high schools only accept international students for the one-year exchange program. Public high schools are usually larger in scale and less difficult to apply for.
Private high schools have higher tuition fees, some of which are full-time boarding schools. Some leading private high schools have very limited admission quota and the competition is fierce. Public high schools usually cost approximately $35,000 a year; while private high schools cost around $50,000 a year (including tuition, room and board, and other expenses).
American high schools value interviews very much, and the student’s performance during the interview usually determines the admission results. At the same time, the school will also conduct holistic review on the students' extracurricular activities and special skills.
Most high schools in the U.S. take interview as one of their essential evaluations and interviews are usually carried out via Skype or a third-party institution. If available, you can also schedule an on-site interview as well as a campus visit, which will be a good opportunity to develop an in-depth understanding of the school itself, and leave a deep impression on admission officers.
In principle, it is appropriate for students to enroll between Grade 9-10 . In the 9th grade, students will adapt themselves to the new environment and improve their English. In the 10th grade, they will start to study AP courses and enrich their extracurricular activities. In the 11th grade, they will maintain good academic records and begin preparing for the TOEFL and SAT exams, and get ready for the college application. Most high schools in the U.S. do not accept application for the 12th grade.
The private high schools in the United States are around high-income neighborhoods, and the security is in good condition, so it is totally unnecessary for parents to worry about the safety of their children. Choosing a homestay family is not an easy task. The first thing to consider is the English-speaking environment. The United States is a diversified immigrant country with residents from all over the world. Therefore, it is better to choose English-speaking host families, which will help your children improve their English proficiency. Secondly, the background of the host family should be fully investigated to ensure it matches the students’ needs.
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