Nicholas F

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Nick (文尼轲)2014年毕业于美利坚大学,主修历史,辅修汉语。他三年内完成了本科学习,毕业论文也获得了历史系的一等奖。尼轲毕业后立即去中国留学,参加北京语言大学的语言项目。此后移居到哈尔滨,当了两年的英文老师,既在私立学校,也在黑龙江外国语学院。2017年,尼轲进入了南京大学中美文化研究中心攻读研究生,专业是国际政治和中国学。虽然他2019年完成了专业的必修课程,但是为了in order to expand his Chinese-language thesis into a basis for future PhD work, 他推迟了一年毕业。拥有中美学术环境有丰富的经历。
Nick reads, writes, and speaks Chinese , Nick attended The American University in Washington D.C., where he majored in History and minored in Chinese language. He completed his degree in 3 years, and his undergraduate thesis won first prize in the department. Nick moved to China in 2014,  where he completed a language program at BLCU. He then relocated to Harbin, where he taught English for two years, both at private institutions and Heilongjiang International University. In 2017, Nick entered the Master’s in International Studies Program at the Hopkins Nanjing Center. Although he completed his coursework in 2019, he delayed graduation for a year in order to expand his Chinese-language thesis into a basis for future PhD work. He is currently located in Shanghai, and is preparing for PhD programs in the United States. Nick reads, writes, and speaks Chinese, and has extensive experience working in Chinese and American academic environments.


2016 ~ 2021 :

Heilongjiang International University

English Teacher

2015 ~ 2016 :

New Dynamic Institute

English Teacher


2017 ~ 2021 :

Johns Hopkins University-Nanjing University Center for Chinese and American Studies

Master of Arts in International Studies
