Shane Huang
硕士申请 | 博士申请
He used to be a reporter and editor, focusing on domestic and global education policies and trends, and has a deep understanding of the barriers between education resources at home and abroad. In order to enable more domestic students to come into contact with overseas education concepts, he has switched to the field of studying abroad as a career. At Cheersyou China, he helps students realize their dreams as an application mentor.
2019 ~ Present :
清柚中国 Cheersyou International Consulting Inc.
申请业务主管 Manager, Application Advisory (China)
2015 ~ 2019 :
新通国际教育集团 Shinyway Education
天津分公司美加申请业务主管 Manager, Division of US & Canada Application (Tianjin Office)
2014 ~ 2015 :
海河传媒集团 Haihe Media Group
记者,编辑 Reporter and Editor
2013 ~ 2014 :
莱斯特大学 University of Leicester
大众传播学 Mass Communications
2009 ~ 2013 :
天津大学 Tianjin University
英语 English