Kathy Hu
本科申请 | 硕士申请
从高中出国,到在海外学习、工作 10 年+,我曾和无数留学生一样,经历过专业选择的迷茫、求职的挑战、身份的不确定性,以及毕业后留在海外还是回国发展的抉择。我深知这些关键节点上的焦虑和困惑,因为我自己也曾经历过。
With over 10 years of experience studying and working abroad since high school, I understand the challenges faced by international students, including choosing a major, job searching, navigating identity uncertainty, and deciding whether to stay overseas or return to China.
My passion for education led me to join UNESCO to promote international education. However, I realized that what truly helps individual students succeed is not just macro policies, but practical guidance and support.
This is why I chose to join CheersYou Education. I aim to help students deeply explore their interests and find the right path for them, moving away from conformity to choices based on genuine passion and long-term goals. Whether it's academic planning, enhancing backgrounds, job and study decisions, or identity planning, I strive to use my experience to help students avoid unnecessary detours, reassure parents, and clarify their futures.
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清柚教育 CheersYou
咨询顾问 Consultant
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联合国教育、科学及文化组织 UNESCO
教育顾问 Education Consultant
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字节跳动 ByteDance
产品经理 Product Manager
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德勤 Deloitte
SAP Consultant
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康奈尔大学 Cornell
MPS in Applied Economics and Management
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英属哥伦比亚大学 UBC
Bachelor of Science in Foods, Nutrition and Health