CheersYou Internship Program清柚独家名企实习

Best Position-matching
from Admission Perspectives

Top-Ranking Elite
Global Companies

Worldwide Background Verification
Verification Support & HR Recuitment

Strong Recommendation
From Industrial Mavens

关于项目About the program

清柚总部位于纽约曼哈顿,长期持续与北美、中国、英国等地名企合作,联手搭建了“清柚实践平台”,将优质的实践资源与学生的具体情况相匹配,与100+企业联合,开放数百个岗位,根据学生的升学要求和长远发展,为学生定制实习计划。现已帮助近千名同学找到心仪的暑期实习。Located in Manhattan, New York City, CheersYou continues to cooperate with industrial-leading Elite enterprises and to build the “CheersYou Practice Platform”. We often matches superior professional resources with students’ specific background, offering hundreds of open positions from more than 100+ companies. Internship plans are also made and implemented according to students’ application needs and long-term career developments, and almost 1000 CheersYou have obtained the best-fitting practical opportunities through CheersYou platform.

实习对留学生的重要性The Importance of Internship Experience to Undergrads


挽救低GPATo remedy
low GPA


高GPA冲名校To compliment
high GPA


部分实践类专业To meet the requirements
for Practical-oriented Majors


转专业必备To satisfy the needs
for transferring major direction

近年来学生们拼成绩,尤其陆本学生GRE/托福平均分被不断刷高,成绩上的军备竞赛却令招生人员有些“审美疲劳”。实习, 可以帮你拿下推荐信,丰富简历,写出脱颖而出的文书,就是决胜申请季的关键。但因为政策倾斜、学业压力、地缘 劣势等原因,留学生想找到一份海外当地实习十分困难。清柚教育利用自己的资源,与全球名企强强联合,开创了清柚独家内推实习项目。 In the recent years, with higher average scores in standardized tests for international students from China, including GRÉ and TOEFL, the application profile with similar high-score performance can sometimes bring weariness to admission committees. At this point, an internship which earns recommendation, enriches resume experience, and creates essay ideas, could be an ultimate key to success in graduate application. However, due to the limitations in domestic policies and geographical locations, along with academic pressures, it is always a tough task for international students to secure a satisfying job opportunity. Luckily, with unique resources and connections with locally and internationally leading companies, CheersYou brings you the one-of-its-kind internship programs for all needs.

· 美研申请优先链Preferences on practical experience regarding graduate applications ·

美国大公司Major Corporations in the US > 美国小公司Small Companies in the US > 跨国公司中国分部Chinese Branches of International Enterprises
> 中国大公司Major Corporations in China > 中国小公司Small Companies in China > 国内银行(及某些券商) Banks and Certain Securities in China

*多家美国名校招生院数据显示,70%的中国申请人都有国内银行券商实习,含金量存疑*According to admission statistics from multiple universities, over 70% of Chinese graduate applicants have at least one internship with major banks or securities in China, thus result in doubts from admission teams on its quality

合作公司及企业Partner Companies and Enterprises

清柚合作公司遍布各大城市,全球无时差。CheersYou has partner companies in major cities all around the world, guarantees you premium experience with no time difference.

涉及领域Areas of Expertise

Data Science
Strategic Consulting
Data Analytics
Marketing Analytics
Digital Marketing
Investment Banking
Financial Advisory
Quant Analyst

实习开放岗位Internship Open Positions

硅谷先锋互联网公司Pioneering Internet Tech Company in the Silicon Valley

公司介绍Company Introduction

美国硅谷的科技企业,利用大数据、人工智能与深度学习创建模型,为世界500强公司提供预测模型The Internet Technology Company located in the Silicon Valley, utilizes big data, artificial intelligence, and deep learning technologies for model building, and provides forecast models for Global Fortune 500 Companies

开放职位Open Positions

Data Analytics
Computer Science

助力申请专业Apply to students in

CS/CE/Data Science

华尔街投行Wall Street Investment Bank

公司介绍Company Introduction

地处华尔街心脏部位Trump大楼,管理百亿级资产,对接高盛、Citi Bank、德意志银行等顶级投行Headquartered in Trump Tower at the heart of Wall Street Financial District, the investment bank manages over tens of billions of assets, being in partnership with top-ranking investment banks of Goldman Sachs, Citi Bank, and Deutsche bank.

开放职位Open Positions

Financial Analyst
Quant Analyst

助力申请专业Apply to students in

Business Econ、Quantative Econ、Finance

人工智能为主的咨询公司Consulting Company focusing on Artificial Intelligence

公司介绍Company Introduction

10年历史的咨询公司,近年来研发专利核心算法模型,创始团队均为MIT博士毕业,业务包括14个行业The consulting company with over a decade’s history; the founding team of all MIT PhDs has been focusing on developing patented core algorithm, covering the business of 14 major industries

开放职位Open Positions

Marketing Analyst
Digital Marketing Strategist
Business Analyst

助力申请专业Apply to students in

Business Analyst、Marketing、Information System

曼哈顿中城的金融新贵Financial Upstart in Midtown Manhattan

公司介绍Company Introduction

快速增长的曼哈顿金融新贵,精英团队,专注于TMT行业,包括物联网、移动互联等行业,负责Lyft上市前期工作The quickly rising financial upstart located in Manhattan is established by an elite team focusing on TMT industry, including services and products in IoT and mobile internet; had provided pre-listing work for Lyft

开放职位Open Positions

Investment Bank Analyst
Equity research Intern
Sales/trading Intern

助力申请专业Apply to students in

Financial Engineering、 Financial Mathematics、 Computer Science、 Finance

*更多岗位及详情请咨询顾问*Consult us for more open positions

学员案例CheersYou Cases

学生好评:Student’s feedback:

“ 我是econ专业,希望跨专业申请Analytics,之前几个学长学姐背景比我更好没申上,我咨询了清柚老师,发现是因为先修课差太多,清柚老师帮我安排了实习,我实习感觉很好,学到了一大堆,CEO给了我推荐信,然后我就申请成功了,哇塞,太激动了,后来去了学校,才发现实习真的很重要。”I was majored in Econ for undergraduate and was hoping to transfer to Analytics program in graduate education. But I was told that some of my senior classmates didn’t enter top-ranking schools with even better academic performance and GRE scores, so I was afraid that I couldn’t make it either. Fortunately, the consultant at CheersYou pointed out that my major courses weren’t able to meet the prerequisites for analytics programs. Therefore, he arranged the CheersYou internship program for me as a compliment to academic performance. After entering the internship program, I seized the opportunity to practice my comprehensive abilities in the workplace, and had great gains through this precious experience. I also earned a strong recommendation letter from the CEO, and it was definitely a plus to my application. I was so excited when I got my offer letter! I indeed discover the importance of internship through the application process.


在申请阶段,GRE和GPA的成绩都是很难改变的,最后能够有效提升申请结果的只有你的申请背景。英美学校非常重视学生的实践能力,对于一些面相就业的应用型专业如BA、金融等,实习经历甚至是必不可少的。名校的招生官每年都会看上万份文书,经验非常丰富,可以一眼看出文书内容是空泛地闭门造车,还是真正写出了在实践中的体悟,这对申请是至关重要的。 Throughout the application process, standardized results, including GRE and GPA, are relatively hard to make changes, while practical experiences can bring effective boost in the application results. Practical abilities are paid much attention to by admission committees in colleges; internship experience is even indispensable to those career oriented practical majors, such as Business Analytics and Finance. Sifting through tens of thousands of application essays, admission counselors all have rich experience in evaluating essays; they can always determine if the contents were out of mere imagination, or were actual retrospect and comprehension obtained from practices. Thus, a rewarding internship experience can be essential for graduate applicants.
国际生找实习面临着多重困难,首先很多公司的实习项目只对研究生开放,又有国际生身份的限制。其实,很多学校的地理位置比较偏远,开放的工作岗位不多,再加上找实习需要一个相对长的准备过程,而留学生平时的课业非常繁重,学校活动等诸多事项都需要花费大量的时间和精力来完成,以至于学生难以有时间完成networking,找人内推,简历精修,海投简历,多轮面试等等找实习必须的经历的环节,使得留学生找实习变得非常困难。 There are several factors making the situation for international undergraduate students especially difficult. First of all, many intern positions only open for graduate applicants, under the tight restrictions of non-immigration status and work permit. Secondly, many leading institutes are relatively remote and distant from metropolitan areas in geographical locations, resulting in inconvenience for interviews, internships, and relocation processes. Thirdly, internship applications and job-hunting need a rather long period of preparation time; yet with onerous daily academic tasks and campus activities, undergrads barely have enough time and energy for the necessary procedures, including networking, internal references, resume polishing, filling applications, sending resumes, and completing interviews. All these factors have made it extra difficult for international undergraduate students to secure an internship by themselves.
可以选择远程实习,远程实习是近年来广受跨国公司,尤其是咨询公司欢迎的一种形式。远程实习对公司来讲,可以招徕全世界的人才,同时节省场地成本。而对学生而言,远程实习时间灵活,不用支付昂贵的relocate费用,同时可以完整地跟完一整个项目,在项目中参与关键性工作。非常适合留学生。 The option of Remote Internship is always open to you. Remote internship is currently a pupolar format of internship among multinational corporations, especially consulting firms. For the companies, they can attract and recruit talents all over the world with operational cost reduced. For the students, it brings flexible working hours with no relocation fee needed, and most importantly, it guarantees the opportunity of participating in complete projects and taking a critical role. This option would be perfect for international undergraduate students.
选择实习的时候,一定要选择有正规经营资质、且支持背景调查的公司。现在很多公司都是在与一个雇员合作,雇员用公司响亮的名字招揽客户,但实际上学生并没有进入公司的人事系统。这样的实习不仅没有帮助,甚至还会给学生的申请带来伤害。现在的研究生申请审查非常严格,如果实习公司没能通过学校的背景调查,学生会被学校质疑诚信问题,导致拒信甚至撤销offer。 When applying and choosing target companies, you should always choose companies with proper business qualifications and background verification supports. Many current internship programs or companies are working with employees from world-leading corporations. While students are attracted by the title and fame of large companies, they are not actually placed within company’s HR system. This kind of informal internship experience would even do harm to students’ application process. Under the strict application investigation procedures from college admissions, if the recommender or practical experience doesn’t pass the background verification, it often lead to doubts in applicant’s honesty, then the rejection or even offer withdrawals.
美国的实习还是很重要的,在美实习代表着学生了解美国的市场、职场氛围、和用户心理等方面,这代表了学生具有适应美国情况的实践能力。在很多领域,中国市场与美国相差甚远,在中国的经验无法迁移到美国,含金量也相对低一些,尤其很多国有银行,出现在约70%中国学生的申请材料上,招生院也会产生“审美疲劳”。 An intership in US is essential in many ways. A successful internship experience represents your understanding of US job market, workplace environment, and audience’s psychological pattern for the specific position. It also demonstrates a fact that you have great-enough practical abilities to adapt to workplace I the US. China and the US are having discrepancies in many aspects regarding career development, workplace culture, and market, therefore your experience in China doesn’t guarantee a 100% match in the US, especially when evaluated by admission committees. Moreover, approximately 70% of Chinese graduate applicants have at least one internship with state-owned banks in China, thus result in doubts from admission teams on its quality.
远程实习是大公司里非常普遍的一种实习形式,不拘泥与坐班形式,以结果为导向。公司通过线上会议,云平台等形式工作,会给学生公司系统的access,以及公司授权的数据库如Nielsen等,学生通过slack、asena等平台跟supervisor沟通,制定每日、每周的任务。学生要参与公司线上会议,在mentor的指导下完成工作,同时又有极大的自主权,非常锻炼学生能力。 Remote internship is currently a pupolar format of internship among major multinational corporations, as it is outcome-oriented and has no constraints on physical appreance. Interns are working through online meetings and cloud collaborations, and primary access to company’s internal system and authorized database (Nelson, etc.) will be granted to individual. Communications regarding daily and weekly progress between interns and supervisors are typically conducted via Slack or Asena. While having a say on their own work arrangements, Interns are also required to attend regular online meetings, and report their work progress under mentors’ guidance. In general, remote internship can be a great opportunity to train your practical abilities.
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