Eric Tian

MasterApplication | Ph.dApplication





美国驻华大使馆 Education USA宣传大使

田晓弢先生曾任职于纽约大学招生院、Pfizer辉瑞集团、 戴姆勒-奔驰。作为清柚中国负责人、清柚教育首席咨询顾问,于2019年作为演讲嘉宾受邀国际高等教育峰会、青年领袖发展峰会,发表留学教育行业、中美文化交流、教育科技化及互联网平台下的教育产业发展相关见解。田晓弢先生于2015年正式投身于国际教育领域,作为清柚教育联合创始人之一,致力于构建清柚教育科技体系与国际教育大数据相结合的创新篇章。清柚教育成立至今, 一直致力于弥合北美和亚洲之间的文化和教育差距,打破留学行业的信息壁垒,作为媒介将优质教育资源多地区衔接,帮助留学生家庭实现其海外深造梦想。

Co-founder of Cheersyou

China-US Alumni

Association Leader of New York University Alumni Association

Education USA Promotional Ambassador at US Embassy in China

Mr. Eric Tian has previously held positions at New York University's Admissions Office, Pfizer Group, and Daimler-Benz. As the head of Cheersyou in China and the chief consulting advisor for Cheersyou Education, he was invited as a keynote speaker at the International Higher Education Summit and the Youth Leadership Development Summit in 2019, where he shared insights on overseas education industry, Sino-American cultural exchange, educational technology, and the development of the educational industry under the internet platform. Mr. Tian officially entered the field of international education in 2015. As one of the co-founders of Cheersyou Education, he has been committed to constructing an innovative chapter that combines the Cheersyou educational technology system with global education big data. Since its establishment, Cheersyou Education has continuously aimed to bridge the cultural and educational gap between North America and Asia, breaking down the informational barriers in the study abroad industry. Acting as a mediator, it connects high-quality educational resources from multiple regions, helping students’ families realize their dreams of pursuing further education overseas.


2015 ~ Present :



2014 ~ 2014 :

Mercedes-Benz Automotive

Purchase and Supplier Manager


2014 ~ 2015 :

New York University

Master of Industrial Engineering and Project Management

2009 ~ 2013 :

University of Massachusetts Boston

Bachelor of Chemical Engineering